Our Family
The Joel Haynes Family have been missionaries to the Navajo since 2009. Bro. Joel grew up on the Reservation as a missionary kid and returned home with joy at the Lord's calling to continue reaching a people he considers his own. The Haynes are sent out of Trinity Baptist Church in Arlington, TX where both Bro. Joel and Mrs. Fabi received their Bible College education. They are blessed with five boys - Joel (Jr.), Judah, Joseph, Justus and Jonas. Bro. and Mrs. Haynes call the boys their 'mighty men'.
Bro. Joel was saved by God's grace at age four and surrendered to preach at age fourteen. He was led to Christ by his mother and biblically baptized by his father and longtime missionary, Mark Haynes.
Mrs. Fabi was saved by God's grace at age fifteen out of the darkness of Catholicism and surrendered her life to full-time Christian service shortly thereafter. She was led to Christ by the wife of our former pastor, Mrs. Diana Smith, and baptized by our former pastor, Dr. Bob W. Smith.